I thought this podcast was very interesting and unique. The genre I usually read is text such as novels. It is interesting to get a different perspective on a different text such as listening to a podcast. As I was listening I picked up on the mix between story telling of the environment that the speakers are in and a little bit of background and information about mars itself. It’s unique and fascinating to actually hear the speakers experience and listen to the tone of their voice as they adventure. Reading a novel about this experience would be much different. The podcast lets the audience pick up on emotion and surroundings based off sound. The narrator interludes much like a book which was confusing at first but is easy to identify based off the different tone of their voice. Later in the podcast I found it atypical to a novel. As the narrator introduces each character, you can hear a splash following the introduction symbolizing their movement. The narrator essentially has a connection to the reader. During times of the podcast the narrator is isolated from the other individuals just like the reader is isolated. I also think the narrator is isolated because she decides to introduce herself 11 minutes into the podcast separate from when she introduced all the other characters.
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