Chapter 10, in “The Bedford Book of Genres”, clearly outlined a basis of what a multigenre project is. A multigenre project is described as “a collection of three or more genre compositions built around a single topic”. Right off the bat this creates a basis of understanding of what project 3 will entail. While I continued to read, I found that this chapter outlined clear examples of genres that I can use in my project. This chapter outlines a checklist of steps that should occur when creating a multigenre project. This checklist includes outlining a purpose, audience, rhetorical appeals, and modes and media. When creating a multigenre project, you have to analyze a purpose and then organize a way to target the intended audience. Picking an audience and deciding which genres will best reach the target is most important. For project 3 specifically, I am focusing on Hillel and the audience being potential/active students in the community. To reach this audience I will use genres that are best suited for their desires such as a movie/clip, a letter, and an instagram page/post. While reading I also found some helpful tips and points of advice that could help me with writing project 3 which include creating an author’s statement, be creative, introduce your project while providing context. I overall thought that this chapter was very beneficial and may even come back to it if I need more help while working on project 3.
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